
SNI Caen logements



Caen Housings

On the boulevard Raymond Poincaré the city has caught up with the peri-urban. Our project is therefore to find a scale in transition between the architecture of major equipments (EPHAD, Mosque and Gendarmerie) and the villa areas surrounding them.

For this we wanted to reflect on a strong readability of the site through the implementation of the building and an open and traversing architecture that plays on the heights. We thus avoid the effects of edges and possible breakages with the fabric built around. We thus come to protect the suburban fabric of the South-East fringe of the site while allowing to sew up an urban continuity on the Raymond Poincaré boulevard which displays a high quality of living.

At the scale of the island, open spaces are designed for the sake of complementarity of treatment and use, considering all levels of the landscape,or floors. This is the primary matrix of the project, an urban space that connects all homes to the context. It is a place of exchange, confortable and punctuated with fun and artistic events. At first the landscape is coherent with the orientations of the dwellings, so it is part of an orthogonality, the vertical bands accompany towards the interior of the islet while the horizontal bands produce a buffer effect to separate the space public and private spaces on the ground floor.


Architect: Clément Blanchet Architecture
Client: Bouygues Bâtiment Normandie
Nature of the operation: Competition
Realised in: 2018
Site: Caen Raymond Poincaré
Program: 52 housings
Budget: 5 Millions Euros

team composition

Engineering : Ecola, Albedo, Geodis, Zenobia