




The project is interwoven into a disjointed fabric, where two scales need to be reconciled; the metropolitan modern character of La Défense and the low scale tranquility of Puteaux.

These two contrasting scales have defined the project's three main actions:

1- Re-establish a territorial seam through a unifying landscape strategy.

2- To transform a neutral, purely functional infrastructure space into an urban face for Puteaux.

3- Reinstate a second level of reference, announcing the skyline of La Défense, creating an object that participates in the pre-existing architectural hybridity.


Architects: Clément Blanchet Architecture and Christophe Rousselle Architecte
Client: Paris La Défense
Nature of the operation: Competition
Realised in: 2023
Site: Paris, France
Program: Residential
Budget: NA

team composition

Consultants: Altoa promotion, Sogeprom, Tribu, Arcadis, Isart, Kley, Edgar suites, BTP Consultants, CSD